For those of you following Weight Watchers Momentum plan, this cake I just made is roughly 6 points per slice. (I say "roughly" because it was like 6.375 points or something once I divided the whole cake by 12 slices/portions, so I just rounded to the nearest point.)
I baked it in a 9x13 inch glass dish thingy that I found in my cupboard that I'd never used to bake a cake in before, so that was very exciting for me.
I started with a devils food box of regular cake mix, and instead of using 1/2 cup of oil, I used 1/4 cup oil and 1/4 cup applesauce, and that alone cut the points by like, 14, which is awesome.
So then I added the three eggs and 1 and 1/3 cups water that the recipe/box called for and mixed it all up and it was all delicious chocolatey gooey goodness. And then I dumped it all in the cake pan thingy and baked at 350 degrees for 30 minutes like the bossy box/recipe told me to. (But first, I almost cooked my Scrabble tiles that were chilling in the oven so they wouldn't get dusty re: resin coating... I forgot they were in there. It was bad. But nothing melted or caught fire so I think I'm in good shape.)
Once the cake was done baking, my whole little apartment smelled like chocolate (yum), but I had to wait like foreverrrrr for it to cool off so I could frost it.
The frosting is made out of a tub of light Cool Whip and a package of sugar free instant pudding mix (I used chocolate because it's all I had, but you could use any flavor) and 1 cup of cold milk, and you just mix the pudding with the milk first and pretend you're making pudding, and once that's all mixed and lovely, you fold in the Cool Whip and it makes it all light and fluffy and delicious. (I also added a couple packets of Splenda because it was an experiment.)
When the cake was cool (or, mostly cool... I couldn't wait any longer), I frosted it, and it looked so pretty and scrumptious and then I put hot pink sprinkles on it because brown and pink go very well together and also because sprinkles have no calories, as you know. (No, just kidding, they actually do. One tablespoon of sprinkles [any variety] has one point on WW. Bastards.)
Ok here is my finished cake! Isn't it fabulous?! Yes it is, thank you for saying so! :)
It turned out really delicious! It's super moist (because of the apple sauce) and it's not as sweet as regular bad-for-you cake with bad-for-you frosting. The Cool Whip/pudding mix frosting is like, perfect. I would totally pay money for this cake in a restaurant!
Must get some ppl together and try this (its always funner with friends lol)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE chocolate. I haven't baked in ages... the frosting looks yummy so maybe I'll try the pudding mix out! :)