Friday, September 25, 2009

Where to find cute desktop wallpaper! Yay!

I am always on the look out for cool images to use as wallpaper on my computer desktop.

Last night, I spend literally hours surfing the web looking for that *perfect* background. I finally found it:

mushroom cultureAuthor: Deniz Tekkul

Mushrooms! Pink ones, with mustaches! AHH! I love it.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some cool sites I found for desktop wallpaper. Because although I love that kawaii pink mushroom one above, I'll probably end up changing it in like 3 days anyway. I like to switch it up. It probably has something to do with my ADD, but whatever. :P

So, I found the mushroom wallpaper on this site called Pixelgirl Presents. I love this website! Not only do they have fun desktops, but they also have icons, iPhone wallpapers, tutorials, and they're affiliated with ShanaLogic (an awesome online indie clothing store).

At Pixelgirl Presents, if you are looking for desktop images, you can search by category, some of which include:

Another site I like for desktop wallpapers is Flickr! Just search words like "desktop," "wallpaper," and/or "background." You could also try the Flickr groups Wallpapers (1024x768 minimum) or Wallpaper and Backgrounds.

You could also try DeviantArt for background images. I found tons of cool artwork, but not many were in that lovely rectangle format that fits so nicely on a computer desktop. Although, it's very possible I wasn't searching correctly, or something. So you should give it a try, and if I'm wrong, you should tell me!

So there you go. Three websites for finding awesome desktop wallpaper.
Are there other great background sites out there that you use? Tell me about them! Leave a comment!

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