Janine (my coworker/BFF) loaned me her copy of Marley and Me so I could read it, and she warned me, "Dude, you're gonna bawl your face off." Maybe not in those exact words, but she was right.
Janine told me she read the book on the drive down to Florida last Thanksgiving, and she said that she was completely inconsolable for a full two hours after finishing.
I mean, the story is about a guy and his dog. You know what's going to happen at the end. I don't want to give too much away, but seriously.
Anyway, we somehow obtained a copy of the movie before it comes out on DVD this Tuesday. Don't ask me how. We are just rock stars or something, I guess.
So yesterday I made Devon sit down and watch it with me while I did crafts. It was like, the best Sunday afternoon ever.
Marley and Me as a movie was totally adorable. (The author, John Grogan, and his wife Jenny must be pretty honored to have Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston playing them in the story of their life.) There were some moments that seemed kind of forced, and honestly, after reading the book, I had a hard time accepting the actors as their real people counterparts. It was just too Hollywood or something. (Plus, if you've ever seen a picture of the real John Grogan, he looks nothing - NOTHING - like Owen Wilson.)
I hate when they make really good books into movies because they are just never the same. The book is always so good and the movie is usually ok, but not great. Examples:
- Harry Potter (However these seem to get better as they go along.)
- The Da Vinci Code (This movie was an utter disappointment. So sad.)
- Angels and Demons (I predict.)
- Lord of the Rings (Ok I didn't actually read this book.. or is it books? But I totally tried and it was too hard. Just too hard.)
- Twilight (Another book I tried to read but couldn't because there was so much sexual tension but no sex. Booooooring. I guess that's what you get when it's aimed at teenagers.)
They just change too many things and leave out too many good parts of the book so that the movie isn't 14 hours long. It makes me sad.
Anyway, I still recommend watching the Marley and Me movie because it was cute and I did bawl my eyes out at the end. I definitely cried more re: movie than I did re: book. I think Devon was a little worried about me.
(I just realized Blogger doesn't come with Spell Checker! Not cool! This means all my previous blog posts probably have tons of spelling errors! Gah!)
So, because of watching the movie this weekend, I have come to the conclusion that I need a puppy. It's just not an option anymore. :)
I want to see the movie! I didn't know there was a book (must look into this) It is cool that you got the movie b4 anyone else!! Yay for being famouse! lol
ReplyDeleteI love the book, but I was crying my eyes out at the end. Knew it was coming, but still.